Our Featured Guest for Sunday, December 1, 2024 is Gina Tognoni
Step behind the curtain with 3x Emmy-winning actress Gina Tognoni as she shares her journey from soap opera stardom to life as a podcaster and performance coach. In this inspiring episode, Gina reflects on the high-pressure world of daytime TV, the lessons she’s learned from memorizing 70 pages a day, and how her faith and passion for storytelling guide her work today. Gina’s most notable performances include Kelly Cramer on One Life to Live, Dinah Marler on Guiding Light and Phyllis Summers on The Young and the Restless. Gina was named Miss Rhode Island Teen in 1992 and Miss Rhode Island Teen All-American in 1993. She is currently the co-host of “God Winks”, a podcast filled with encouragement and a spirit of authenticity. Join us as we take off our masks and share in our faith journey. Read more at: https://www.instagram.com/ginatognoni/
Our Entrepreneur Presenters:
Kay Allison is a dynamic speaker and innovation consultant who has helped Fortune 200 companies generate over $2 billion in revenue. As an innovation consultant, she closed an impressive 85% of the projects she pitched. Her skillful leadership extends to hosting corporate events, guiding innovation meetings, and crafting consumer insight training for the largest global FMCG companies.Known for her engaging workshops and actionable insights, she helps creative thinkers and innovators in business make more money. Sober since 1999, Kay is also a best-selling author of the book book “Juicy AF (Alcohol Free)” and passionate advocate for women overcoming addiction.
Kay is a captivating speaker who works with business-growth execs, helping them see hidden opportunities for business and career success. With a knack for facilitating dynamic meetings and workshops, Kay leaves attendees brimming with new perspectives and actionable insights. She is a charismatic figure, renowned for her innovative ideas, wealth of experience, funny stories, and practical takeaways. Her audiences learn new frameworks and tools through the engaging experiences Kay designs for them.
Kay is the co-founder of Farm&Oven Snacks, offering soft and delicious mini-muffins containing a 1/2 cup of veggies. She also co-founded the Energy Annex, an award-winning consumer learning facility with innovative kitchen and family room interview rooms. Lastly, she founded The Energy Infuser, Inc., which grew to a $6MM in revenue company, specializing in helping mature brands and companies grow organically. The company’s competence was in interpreting what is motivating to customers and creating a narrative for the brand that produced significant, accelerated growth. Fortune 500 clients, primarily in food: Kraft Foods, Mondelez, ConAgra, Tyson, Hillshire Farms, Campbell’s, and PepsiCo. Read more at: https://kayallison.com/
Warren Miles-Pickup is the founder and coach of Marketing Motivators and co-founder of Pixel True, Pixel Copy and Pixel Publishing, and specializes in helping people craft strategies that drive sales, enhance branding, and build lasting customer relationships. He is seasoned sales and marketing expert with over 17 years of experience and a passion for helping businesses thrive. Warren tends to “tell it like it is” and avoid sugar-coating the truth. He believes that understanding the foundations of how and why people buy can greatly improve the customer journey and leads to long-lasting customer relationships that are mutually beneficial. Throughout his career Miles has grown multiple sales businesses in saturated markets by identifying the key pain points of consumers and developing strategies that create win-win situations. He has been recognized by magazines, newspapers and award ceremonies for my efforts in these areas. He is also the author of the Amazon bestseller, Marketing Motivation Workbook for Financial Advisors. Read more at: https://marketingmotivators.xyz/ and at https://design.pixeltrue.com/