Our Featured Guest for Sunday, March 31, 2024 is Michael Hoffman
Michael Hoffman is the co-founder and CEO of Gather Voices, a technology company that automates the creation, management and publishing of video content. Michael is also the founder of See3 Communications, a digital marketing agency in Chicago and founder of the DoGooder Video Awards which honors the best social cause video on YouTube each year. Hoffman teaches marketing at the University of Chicago and is an internationally sought-after speaker and trainer who is a trusted advisor to business leaders on engagement strategy.
Gather Voices’s software helps organizations access and share the authentic stories of stakeholders to create more impact by making it easy to collect and share user-generated video from stakeholders by tapping into the powerful cameras that everyone has in their phones, tablets and laptops. Gather Voices coaches end users to make better video, and builds tools to enable organizations to quickly realize value from this content. Read more at: https://www.gathervoices.co/
Our Entrepreneur Presenters:
Clint Arthur is the provocative, truth-telling author of 21 Best selling books, including “Celebrity Entrepreneurship,” “Break Through Your Upper Limits on TV,” and his Pulitzer Prize nominated life’s-work masterpiece, “Wisdom Of The Men.” A serial successful multi-millionaire entrepreneur, trusted marketing advisor, consultant, and coach to thousands of private entrepreneurial clients and business owners running enterprises from $1 million to $1 billion in size, Clint influences well over 100,000 independent business owners annually, through his social media platforms, Seminars, Live Events/Retreats, Coaching programs, and Million-dollar Business Accelerator mastermind. As a speaker, Clint has shared the stage with Martha Stewart, Dr. Oz, Suzanne Somers, Caitlyn Jenner, IceT, and 5 Presidents of the United States at Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange, Mercedes, Porsche, Coca Cola, Microsoft, the Royal Society of Medicine, and AT&T. R Read more at: https://www.clintarthur.tv/
Nathan Gampel is a Management Consultant and founder of Simpel and Associates, a global consultancy specializing in strategic programs like integrations, work modernizations and finance transformations. Simpel & Associates support teams with on-demand, technology-enabled solutions that provide transparency and control over the largest investments a company often makes. Invest in what matters most. Through their global network of trusted partners, Simpel & Associates proudly serves the entire change lifecycle offering diverse skills that include organization design, process modernization and PMO. Read more at: https://www.simpelandassociates.com/
Nathan is also the founder of Transformation Insights, which offers a patented, non-invasive technology called KTA. KTA brings automation, scale and control to the most complex programs including Mergers & Integrations, Finance Transformations, Work Modernization, Product Development, Organization Architecture & Redesign. Through KTA, Simpel & Associates stands up and administers a best practice transformation management office with all of the custom processes and data you need to win at complex programs. Read more at: https://transformationinsights.io/