Our Featured Guest for Sunday, October 1, 2023 is Brian Will
Brian Will is a serial entrepreneur, a business management consultant and coach and a best-selling author, with his most popular book being “The Dropout Multi-Millionaire: 37 Business Lessons on How to Succeed in Business with No Money, No Education and No Clue”. Brian has created or co-created seven very successful companies in four different industries over the last thirty-five years. These companies were worth over a half a billion dollars at their peak. His first business was a 10-year stint in the landscaping industry that he started when he was twenty years old. This was followed by three online internet start-up companies during the dot.com boom of the late nineties and early 2000s. The first was an online health insurance website and call center that was eventually sold to a venture capital company in Silicon Valley and today is one of the largest online Medicare insurance platforms in the US. The second was an online “lead generation” company in the subprime credit space that was sold to a private equity firm out of Chicago.
Today, Brian owns a growing chain of restaurants in the Atlanta area as well as an Insurance and Technology company based on Denver and a residential and commercial Real Estate business in Georgia and Florida. He also serves on city council in his hometown of Alpharetta, Georgia.
Brian is also an industry leading Business and Sales Management Consultant to companies from startups to fortune 500. During the course of this career Brian has done multiple turn around projects and helped those organizations drive billions of dollars in sales. Read more at: https://brianwillmedia.com/
Our Entrepreneur Presenters:
Taylor O’Neil is the CEO of Richard’s Rainwater, the first rainwater ever to be approved for human consumption by the FDA and the only nationally distributed, truly renewable/sustainable bottled water. Richard’s Rainwater provides 100% rain-sourced drinking water – refreshing and renewable. Richard’s Rainwater believes in the sustainability of great tasting, clean drinking water free from pollutants, salts, minerals and other natural and man-made contaminants. They capture real rainwater before it hits the ground, triple-filter it, zap it with ultraviolet light and polish it off with the ultimate in purification: reverse osmosis. The water is never treated it with chemicals. That means using significantly less energy and not depleting the local water supply. Capturing rain straight from the clouds means the freshest water possible and a difference you can taste. Richard’s Rainwater harvests rain and commits to shipping it the least distance possible. Read more at: https://www.richardsrainwater.com/
Steve Graham is the founder of Valiant Coaching & Talent Development – committed to impacting lives and improving performance with the primary focus being executive & professional coaching and talent development. Services are not business sector specific, however, specialization is with service-oriented organizations. Having a coach early in his career made Steve a believer on the impact coaching, both personally and professionally. Steve has a passion for helping others, and establishing a transparent relationship with trust as the foundation. With a successful career built on years of experience in marketing, talent development, and sales management, Steve has the experience within a wide range of industries including: media, higher education, nonprofits, and healthcare. Read more at: https://valiantcoaching.com/